By Roseline Mgbodichimma Anya Okorie

Roseline Mgbodichimma Anya Okorie Poet


On some nights, the well in my eyes dries up. The pendulum on my chest stiffens. There is an ocean of desire streaming in my brain - this is how I strip myself of caution. My body goes missing when I touch myself, disappearing into the brim of darkness. I am a miner in a body where there is only brown, where there are tiger stripes and pigment, where there is texture, where there is chime. I dig deep to find velvet, then recite my ululations as psalms. In this body that is both refinery and swamp, every finger is industry. I reach deeper and I can feel the crossroads, the lamp holding of eggs that can break into a delta. I am made of saltwater, a house that lives in a home, a home that houses the living, a room that expels into a lagoon. I am always thrusting at something, opening for something, reaching something. I build bridges in utopia by poking my follicles like rake on snow. I could be floating here, but my body is drowning in Libya.



My whole existence is an escape; I made my way through my mother’s cycle into the alchemy of the world. They say if I can invade myself, then the earth has access to take what is left of me. So I say come to me all you labourers for my thighs are a bountiful harvest. Come let us reap this shame you have sown.



My body is a temple and there is no altar for anyone to prey in. I live wild - freedom is a whimsical thing & the astronomy of my being has only space for meeting the sparkles of desire.

Roseline Mgbodichinma Poet Amplify Delta

Roseline Mgbodichinma is a Nigerian writer whose works have appeared or are forthcoming in Isele, Native skin, The Hellebore, Serotonin Poetry, West Trestle Review, X-ray lit mag, JFA human rights mag, Serotonin poetry, Blue Marbel Review & elsewhere. She won the Audience Favorite award for the Union Bank Campus writing challenge - Okada books, she is the third prize winner for the PIN food poetry contest and a finalist for the Shuzia Creative writing contest. You can reach her on her blog


